Riddle Me This Forty Seven

So, the answers to last set of riddles are:

1) A box without hinges, key or lid, yet inside, gold treasure is hid. What am I?

An egg.

2) I am the universe’s complex elegance, I am everywhere…I am created through suffering, inspiration, joy, and even despair. I am born as an idea, and then presented to the human eye. However, unlike living things, I can never die. What am I?



1 House Point if you answered one riddle correctly, and 5 if you answered both correctly.


Your next set of riddles are:

1) What tastes better than it smells?

2) A vivid reality, a naked morality, a place where wishes come true.


Good luck!




Title: The Inquisition.

Authors: Taran Matharu.

Year of Publication: 2016 (UK).

Publisher: Hodder Children’s Books (UK).

Website: www.summonerbooks.com

Format: Available in paperback, an ebook, and as an audiobook.

Cost for Paperback (RRP): £7.99 (UK).

Age Range: 10 and over, if you’re younger than this I suggest asking your parents before reading.

This is the second book in a series called Summoner.


Fletcher is on trial for a trial he didn’t commit, simply because he doesn’t fit in with the old establishment. He must fight hard to prove his innocence, and finds help when an unexpected piece on information is revealed that changes his place in the world.

But the trial is only the beginning. The King has laid down a challenge to those graduating the Academy, to go on a mission into the enemy stronghold in a decisive move to end the war and bring peace. Peace however is not on everyone’s minds, and a traitor will threaten the lives of Fletcher and his friends and see them sent into more danger than they ever imagined.

These books are really good, especially for younger reeaders who are new to reading for fun. It’s easy to read, with plenty of excitment to keep you interested, and not too long.

The next book in the series is called Battlemage.


“Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.” Randy Pausch.


Riddle Me This Forty-Six

So, the answers to last set of riddles are:

1) What has one head, one foot, and four legs?

A bed.

2) With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?

A stapler.

1 House Point if you answered one riddle correctly, and 5 if you answered both correctly.


Your next set of riddles are:

1) A box without hinges, key or lid, yet inside, gold treasure is hid. What am I?

2) I am the universe’s complex elegance, I am everywhere…I am created through suffering, inspiration, joy, and even despair. I am born as an idea, and then presented to the human eye. However, unlike living things, I can never die. What am I?


Good luck!



Title: Tower of Dawn.

Author: Sarah J. Mass.

Year of Publication: 2017 (UK).

Publishers: Bloomsbury (UK).

Website: http://www.sarahjmas.com

Format: Available in paperback, an ebook, and as an audiobook.

Cost for Paperback (RRP): £7.99 (UK).

Age Range: 16 and over, if you’re younger than this I suggest asking your parents before reading.

This is the fifth book in the Throne of Glass series.


This is the first book in the series NOT to have Celaena/Aelin in it all, and I loved it! I was curious how this book would feel without the protagonist of the series nowhere to be seen, and I was really happy with the result.

This book follows Lord Chaol, former captain of the Royal Guard and lover to Celaena as he travels to the Southern Continent. He has two missions to complete while there, and neither are easy. The first is to form an alliance with the most powerful ruler in the world, and the second his to seek treatment for his injuries from the battle in Rifthold which left him paralysed from the waist down.

He and his companion Nesyrn find themselves in a court full of spies of princes and princesses competing to be named heir, who are showing little signs of wanting to help in the fight to save their homeland. But the hardest part will be healing the wounds that have taken Chaols ability to walk. That is how he meets Yrene: possibly the most gifted healer anywhere, who has her own reasons for not wanting to help him.

What they find out in the process will change both what they know about the past, but also the future.

I love this series so much that I know I will be really sad when the series ends with the next book. Although I am really happy to hear that there are plans to turn the novels into a TV series.

The next and final book in the series is called Kingdom of Ash, and will be released in October 2018.


“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Aristole.


Hogwarts Mystery


A new game has been announced called ‘Hogwarts Mystery’. From what I can tell it will be a free RPG, with in-app purchases available, and will be released in Spring 2018. In the game you will take on the role of a character, and have to solve mysteries set in the Hogwarts castle (as the name suggests). I think we will also be able to brew potions and duel.

At the moment the game is still in the Beta stage, and only available in certain countries on android devices (which makes me sad as I use Apple). I’m not sure if this is connected to the ‘Wizards Unite’ app that was announced recently or not, but I suppose we will have to wait and see.



Riddle Me This Forty-Five

So, the answers to last set of riddles are:

1) What word looks the same upside down and backwards?


2) He runs forever, but never moves. He has no voice, but roars mightly? What is he?

A waterfall.


1 House Point if you answered one riddle correctly, and 5 if you answered both correctly.


Your next set of riddles are:

1) What has one head, one foot, and four legs?

2) With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?


Good luck!


My Nan


On Wednesday 14th March (2018) my Nan passed away after a long struggle following four strokes in the last year. She was surrounded by her family, and is no longer in any pain. It has been a very tough few weeks for us, and I am glad that I have my family and friends around me for support. We are not sure when the funeral will be as we are still waiting for some paperwork from the hospital before we can arrange anything.




I’m sorry for missing my posts. My Nan is in hospital again, and we are losing her. I am also still having problems with my arthritis. Altogether I am struggling a bit, and things are getting on top of me, so I apologise. I will have to see how things go over the next day or two, then hopefully make up my poor presence here. I hope you all understand, and will have patience for me to get back on track..


Riddle Me This Forty-Four

So, the answers to last set of riddles are:

1) It can be cracked, It can be made, It can be told, it can be played. What is it?

A joke.

2) I am lighter than air but a million men cannot lift me up, What am I?

A bubble.


1 House Point if you answered one riddle correctly, and 5 if you answered both correctly.


Your next set of riddles are:

1) What word looks the same upside down and backwards?

2) He runs forever, but never moves. He has no voice, but roars mightly? What is he?


Good luck!


Funny Facts

I wanted to do something different for this post, and as I always seem to remember random funny facts that I never I thought I would need, I thought I would share some to make you laugh, or at least find a little interesting. Here goes:

  1. Cherophopbia is a fear of fun.
  2. It is illegal in the UK to eat mince pies on Christmas Day.
  3. If you lift a kangaroos tail of the ground then it can’t hop.
  4. You can’t snore and dream at the same time.
  5. The Titanic was the first ship to send out the SOS distress signal.
  6. It is illegal to die in the British Houses of Parliament.
  7. Slugs have four noses.
  8. George W. Bush was once a cheer-leader.
  9. In the Lord of the Rings books, after Gandalf persuaded Bilbo to give the One Ring to Frodo, he spent 17 years researching the rings story before returning to Frodo.
  10. The national animal of Scotland is a unicorn.

I hope you enjoyed this little post. Have fun!

