Very Good Lives by J.K. Rowling (*all ages)


Title: Very Good Lives.

Author: JK Rowling.

Year of Publication: 20015 (UK).

Publisher: Sphere (UK).


Format: Available in hardback, and as an ebook.

Cost for Hardback (RRP): £9.99 (UK).

Age Range: All Ages.


This is a very inspiring book, which is a transcript of a commencement speech that J.K. Rowling gave in 2008 at Harvard University. In it she talks about how failure is just as an important part of live as success, and how imagination is the key to improving our lives. 

Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust said, “I have heard and read many commencement speeches, none more moving and memorable than J.K. Rowling’s. Years after her visit to Harvard, people still talk about it—and still find inspiration in her singular evocation of the idea that living a meaningful life so often means daring to risk failure. What a powerful example she embodies, and what a remarkable gift her speech was, and is, for all of us privileged to hear it then—and to read it now.”

J.K. Rowling has inspired me to be a better person; without her I would never have made this blog, or met my great Pottermore friends, and she continues to inspire me everyday to treat people around me with respect. The world needs more people like her to make it a better place, and that’s who I try to be. I am flawed and full of imperfections, but as Sirius Black said to Harry; I choose to follow the light.

The proceeds of this book will be split between J.K. Rowling charity Lumos, and university-wide financial aid at Harvard University. The publishers are also making a donation to Lumos. J.K. Rowling said about Lumos, “Lumos is a spell I created in Harry Potter that brings light to a desperately dark and frightening place. At Lumos this is just what we do: we reveal the hidden children locked away behind closed doors in institutions and forgotten by the world, so that everyone first of all understands the problem and then works together to fix it. It is my dream that within our lifetime, the very idea of institutionalising children will seem to belong to a cruel fictional world.”


“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” Muhammad Ali.


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